Group of happy seniors enjoying in embrace during sunset.

Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that can be mitigated simply with the use of hearing aids and assistive listening devices. But hearing loss is often neglected and untreated. For individuals with hearing loss, this can trigger feelings of social-separation and depression.

And these feelings of depression and isolation can be enhanced by the breakdown of work and personal relationships which often come with hearing loss. This is a horrible cycle that can be avoided, and treating your hearing loss is the solution to ending that downward spiral.

Hearing loss and its link to depression

It’s true that untreated hearing loss is linked to experiencing depressive symptoms – and this isn’t a new trend. One study of people with neglected hearing loss found that adults 50 years old and older were more likely to report symptoms of depression, along with indications of paranoia or anxiety. They also reported being less socially active. Many stated that they thought people were getting mad at them for no reason. But when those individuals got hearing aids, they reported improvements in their social situation, and other people in their life also noticed the difference.

Another study found that individuals between ages 18 and 70, reported a greater sense of depression if they had hearing loss of more than 25 Decibels. People over 70 with self-reported hearing loss did not show a significant difference in depression rates compared to individuals without hearing loss. But that still means that a large part of the population isn’t getting the help they need to improve their lives.

Lack of recognition or unwillingness to use hearing aids affects mental health

It seems like it would be clear that you should get your hearing loss treated when you read reports like this. Perhaps you simply don’t think your hearing is that bad. You think that people are mumbling.

You might just think it costs too much.

It’s crucial to get a hearing assessment if you think that you are being left out of conversations or are feeling anxiety or depression. We can discuss your options if we do find hearing loss. It could help you feel a lot better.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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